Counting to 10,000 in Greek

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When speaking Greek, you’ll spend more time dealing with numbers than you might realize. It’s important that you spend some time learning the numbers as best as you can. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, be sure to read the lists of vocabulary related to numbers, and you might also want to practice reciting numbers on a regular basis.

In a previous article, we discussed how to count up to 1000 in Greek. In this article, we’ll discuss how to expand on that by learning how to count up to 10 000. Here’s a review of what we have learned so far:

  • 1 – ένα – ena
  • 2 – δύο – thio (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 3 – τρία – tria
  • 4 – τέσσερα – tessera
  • 5 – πέντε – pendi
  • 6 – έξι – exi
  • 7 – εφτά – efta
  • 8 – οχτώ – ochto
  • 9 – εννιά – ennea
  • 10 – δέκα – theka (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 11 – έντεκα – endeka
  • 12 – δώδεκα – thotheka (th pronounced like “the”))
  • 13 – δεκατρία – thekatria (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 14 – δεκατέσσερα – thekatria (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 15 – δεκαπέντε – thekapende (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 16 – δεκαέξι – thekaexi (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 17 – δεκαεπτά – thekaepta (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 18 – δεκαοχτώ – thekaochto (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 19 – δεκαεννέα – thekaennea (th pronounced like “the”)
  • 20 – είκοσι – ikosi
  • 30 – τριάντα – trianda
  • 40 – σαράντα – saranda
  • 50 – πενήντα – peninda
  • 60 – εξήντα – exinda
  • 70 – εβδομήντα – evthominda
  • 80 – ογδόντα – ogthonda
  • 90  – ενενήντα – eneninda
  • 100 – εκατό – ekato
  • 101 – εκατό ένα – ekato ena
  • 111 – εκατό έντεκα – ekato endeka
  • 150 – εκατό πενήντα – ekato peninda
  • 162 – εκατό εξήντα δύο – exato exinda thio
  • 200 – διακόσια. – thiakosia
  • 300 – τριακόσια – triakosia
  • 400 – τετρακόσια – tetrakosia
  • 500 – πεντακόσια – pendakosia
  • 600 – εξακόσια – eksakosia
  • 700 – επτακόσια/ εφτακόσια – eptakosia/ eftakosia
  • 800 – οκτακόσια/ οχτακόσια – oktakosia/ ochtakosia
  • 900 – εννιακόσια – enniakosia
  • 1000 – χίλια – chilia

Remember that Greek numbers follow a certain pattern, and this always applies. Once you know the pattern, it will make your life much easier. Here are the relevant numbers that you need to learn in order to follow what you know about the pattern to form numbers up to 10,000:

  • 2000 – δύο χιλιάδες – thio hiliathes
  • 3000 – τρεις χιλιάδες – tris hiliathes
  • 4000 – τέσσερις χιλιάδες – tesseris hiliathes
  • 5000 – πέντε χιλιάδες – pende hiliathes
  • 6000 – έξι χιλιάδες – eksi hiliathes
  • 7000 – επτά χιλιάδες – epta hiliathes
  • 8000 – οκτώ χιλιάδες – okto hiliathes
  • 9000 – εννέα χιλιάδες – ennea hiliathes
  • 10000 – δέκα χι��ιάδες – theka hiliathes

Remember that you will need numbers on a daily basis. You won’t realize just how much until you try to speak Greek or until you visit Greece! It’s worth your while to do you best to memorize these.

The Learn Greek section on was written by Greeks to help people understand the conversational basics of the Greek language. This article is not a substitute for a professional Greek learning program, but a helpful resource for people wanting to learn simple communication in Greek.

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This post was written by Greek Boston

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